Category: 1 Minute Tips

1 Minute Tips

#SalesforceSummer24 – Enterprise Territory Management Is Now Sales Territories

#SalesforceSummer24 Manage territories the same way you did by using Enterprise Territory Management, but now under the name Sales Territories.
1 Minute Tips

Einstein for Developers is now a Part of Salesforce Extension Pack (Expanded)

#1MinuteTip Salesforce has announced that Einstein for Developers (Beta) is now a part of the Salesforce Expanded Pack!
1 Minute Tips

#SalesforceSummer24 – Reactive Collection Choice Sets

#SalesforceSummer24 Screen components that accept Collection Choice Set resources as inputs can now react to changes in other components.
1 Minute Tips

#SalesforceSummer24 – Required Fields Appear Automatically in Create Records Element in Flow

#SalesforceSummer24 In Create Records element in Salesforce Flow, the required fields now appear automatically when setting the field values.
1 Minute Tips

#SalesforceSummer24 – More Actions in the Intelligence Views

#SalesforceSummer24 Boost productivity with more actions now available in the Account, Contact, and Lead Intelligence views.
1 Minute Tips

#SalesforceSummer24 – Enhancements to Apex Scheduled Jobs

#SalesforceSummer24 You can now monitor Apex scheduled jobs more efficiently. Track usage, schedule jobs & manage jobs scheduled through cron.
1 Minute Tips

#SalesforceSummer24 – Update Records Using External IDs in REST API

#SalesforceSummer24 You can now update a record using the value of its external ID with the new updateOnly parameter in REST API.
1 Minute Tips

#SalesforceSummer24 – Single Place to View & Manage Field History Tracking

#SalesforceSummer24 You can now view and manage field history tracking across various objects from one place in Setup.
1 Minute Tips

#SalesforceSummer24 – New User Permission: Manage Dev Sandboxes

#SalesforceSummer24 You can now provide users the ability to create, clone, refresh, and delete only Developer and Developer Pro sandboxes.
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