List View As a Tab in Salesforce & Mobile App

List View as Tab in Salesforce & Mobile App

Coming in Winter ’20 release, now you will be able to promote an Object’s List View as a Tab in Salesforce App Navigation. One of the many nuggets from this release, now you can access your list views directly from an app’s navigation and save some clicks. For example a sales rep has a list view with high value opportunities which they need to access frequently. They can now access it directly from the Sales app navigation.

This feature can be used on standard and custom objects. Even better thing about this is, end users can do these customisations on their own. So no need to wait for busy & Awesome Admins to come to help you.

All said and done, let’s see actually how to do that. It’s facile to promote List View as a Tab. 

How to Promote List View as a Tab in Salesforce

Login to Salesforce -> Navigate to the Object which list view which need to be promoted. For this example, we are showing an example of a Sales Rep promoting his Big Deals list view as a Tab. 

opportunities tab

Change the ‘List View’ to select the desired one.

Object list view

Click the ‘Down Arrow’ beside Object’s tab & then ‘+ Open (List View Name)….’

list view as a tab in Salesforce

List View is opened as a Tab in Navigation Bar. Now Click “Add (List View Name) to Nav Bar”  

Add to navigation bar

Your favorite List View is added as a Navigation Item in the App. Voila!

List view as a tab in Salesforce

The actual benefit of this feature can be clearly noticed when you would work from Salesforce Mobile App. You can directly click on the Tab after selecting the App to go to the specific records quickly. So productive!

Tab in Salesforce Mobile App

So go ahead and make good use of this feature List View as a Tab in Salesforce to navigate efficiently to access the records you work the most with 🙂

8 thoughts on “List View As a Tab in Salesforce & Mobile App”

  1. Yes, but for some kind of lists like tasks, this is not possible, but good thing is that in Salesforce there is always a workaround and in this case, it is possible to create a lightning page including the desired list(s).

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