7 Ways to Learn About Salesforce Winter ’20 Release Features

Salesforce Winter '20 Release Logo

Salesforce Winter ’20 Release is around the corner. By 14th October 2019, it will be released in production environments all around the globe. Here are 7 ways in which you can familiarize yourself with the new features and functionalities introduced in Salesforce Winter ’20 release.

1. Sign Up for my “1 Day, 1 Tip, 1 Minute” Email series on Salesforce Winter’20 Release

1 Day 1 Tip 1 Minute Email on Salesforce Winter’20 Release has now been discontinued as you can now sign up for the 1 minute emails on Spring’20 Release from URL https://www.asagarwal.com/salesforce-spring-20-release/

2. Follow me on Twitter or Facebook

Follow me on Twitter (@asagarwal) or Facebook and you will know that this is not shameless self-promotion. I tweet about the various new features and functionalities introduced in Winter ’20 with hashtag #SalesforceWinter20. It is usually 3-4 posts spaced throughout the day that won’t take more than a minute or two for you to read. The idea is to let you know the interesting and useful features of Winter ’20, one feature at a time. So while you are commuting to work or waiting in the line for a coffee, why not learn a thing or two about the new features!

3. Skim through the Release Overview Deck

A picture speaks a thousand words and that is what you are going to find in the Release Overview Deck. It contains 129 slides with screenshots of the new features, making it easier for you to understand the changes coming up with the release. The only caveat is you need to login to Salesforce’s trailblazer Community to be able to view this. Here is the URL for you  to navigate directly to the Release Overview Deck – https://success.salesforce.com/0693A000007tDYp

Winter '20 release overview deck
4. Watch the YouTube Playlist

If a picture speaks a thousand words imagine what a video will do. Here is the playlist of 58 short videos (between  1 to 5 minutes each), bringing the new features and functionalities to life for you – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjJeA2SstEtJ4zm_7ct3dQjmGaBAMqmlI

Winter '20 Release Youtube Videos Playlist
5. Complete the Trailhead Module

The proof of the pudding is in eating. Complete this Trailhead module not only to learn but also to test your knowledge. Now that is going to be a complete immersion program for you – https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/content/learn/modules/winter-20-release-highlights

Winter '20 Release Highlights Trailhead module
6. Follow the Other Bloggers

Some of the bloggers have taken their pick of the favorite features and functionalities in Winter ’20. Here is the link to a few of those blog posts

  1. Salesforce Admins
  2. Salesforce Developers
  3. Salesforce Ben
  4. Automation Champion
  5. Jenna Molby
  6. Jen W Lee
  7. Mayank Srivastava
7. Go through the Release Notes

Still hungry for more? Then, the most comprehensive (and also the most time-consuming) resource that you can refer to is the Release Notes. It is a 500+ pages document detailing all the different features and functionalities introduced in this release. Personally, I prefer to use it for reference only, but by all means, go ahead and read if you like it. Here is the URL for the same (with the option to download this in PDF format) – https://releasenotes.docs.salesforce.com/en-us/winter20/release-notes/salesforce_release_notes.htm

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