Here is the link to a cheat sheet for some useful validation rules that you can incorporate in

Some of the validation rules that I found useful are
- Postal code is in correct format if the country is Canada or US
- State is valid if the country is Canada or US
- Country is a valid 2 letter ISO code
- Number entered is even or odd number
- Number entered is a multiple of another number
- Phone number is in (999) 999-9999 format
- Date entered is a weekday or weekend
- Date entered is the last day of the month
- Conditionally require a field based on the value of other field
- Only the record owner can make changes to a particular field
- Cross object validation rules
References & Useful URLs
- PDF Document – Examples of Validation Rules
If the first dose is below December 18, 2020 throw below error.Error Message – The first vaccine was available on December 18, 2020. Choose date after December 18, 2020.
2) If the final dose date is below December 18, 2020 throw below error.Error Message – The first vaccine was available on December 18, 2020. Choose date after December 18, 2020.
3) Booster #2 date can not be the same or less than Booster #1 date.
4) Booster #1 date can not be the same or less than Date of final dose.
order of execution of validation rule?
Hi Harsh, please refer to the blog post that contains an image showing the order of execution in Salesforce. The boxes 2A, 2B & 2D in this image contains the execution of validation rules.
policynumber should be in 16digits with only 2upper case limit
Create a validation rule ti make the Amount value is always more than 20000 for each opportunity record.
Hi Neha, is there a question here?
Aadhar No should be in the form of 12-3456-78-90
12,78 should be alphabets
3456,90 should be digits
If Cost Of Company More Then 200000 Then Pan No Is Must
What Is The Validation Rule For This One
Try the following:
AND(Cost_Of_Company__c > 200000, ISBLANK(Pan_No__c))
I tried following one.
My Requirement is if Hall ticket enter it cannot be change
ISCHANGED (Hall_Ticket)
I tried
ISCHANGED (hall_ticket)