When we want to retrieve or deploy metadata to a Salesforce Org, we use package.xml either with ANT command or using SFDX. And when retrieving metadata from a Salesforce org, it is quite common to use wildcard character asterisk (*) to retrieve everything of that metadata type.
For example, the following is used in package.xml to retrieve metadata about all custom objects.
<?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 standalone=yes?>
<Package xmlns=http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata>
But do note that some of the metadata type does not support wildcard characters. And even if you put wildcard character in your package.xml, nothing will be retrieved. These metadata types include:
- ActionOverride
- AnalyticSnapshot
- CustomField
- CustomLabel
- Dashboard
- Document
- EmailTemplate
- Folder
- FolderShare
- GlobalPicklistValue
- Letterhead
- ListView
- Metadata
- MetadataWithContent
- NamedFilter
- Package
- PersonalJouneySettings
- Picklist
- ProfileActionOverride
- RecordType
- Report
- SearchLayouts
- SearchingSettings
- SharingBaseRule
- SharingReason
- SharingRecalculation
- StandardValueSet
- Territory2Settings
- ValidationRule
- WebLink
References & Useful URLs
- Metadata API Developer Guide -> Metadata Types
Love it that I still regularly come across your content with Googling. Hope all is well Ashish!
Hi Wes, I am so thrilled to see your comment. I have just sent you an email too! 🙂