When you want to deploy changes from one Salesforce org to another, you can choose any of the following tools to transport changes from one Salesforce org to another Salesforce org.
- Change Sets
- Force.com Migration Tool (ANT based)
- SFDX Command Line Tool
- Microsoft VS Code with Salesforce Extensions
- 3rd Party AppExchange Product (e.g. Dreamfactory)
All these tools use Metadata API to extract and deploy changes. (Tools like “Force.com Migration Tool” can also be used to automate the backup your Salesforce org’s configuration).
However, the point to note here is that not all configurations are available through metadata API. For example, the following configuration components cannot be deployed using any of the tools mentioned above.
- Account Teams
- Activity Button Overrides
- Auto-number on Customizable Standard Fields
- Calendars
- Campaign Influences
- Case Contact Roles
- Case Feed Layouts
- Case Team Roles
- Console Layouts
- Multiline layout fields for contract line items
- Currency Exchange Rates
- Data Category Visibility Settings
- Delegated Administration
- Divisions
- File Upload and Download Security Settings
- Mail Merge Templates
- Multiline layout fields for opportunity teams
- Offline Briefcase Configurations
- Omni-Channel Queues and Omni-Channel Skills routing types for the LiveChatButton object
- Opportunity Big Deal Alerts
- Opportunity Update Reminders
- Organization Wide Email Addresses
- Partner Management
- The following standard picklists: IdeaTheme.Categories, Opportunity.ForecastCategoryName, Question.Origin. (All other standard picklists are supported.)
- Predefined Case Teams
- Quote Templates
- Salesforce to Salesforce
- Self-Service Portal Font and Colors
- Self-Service Portal Users
- Self-Service Public Solutions
- Self-Service Web-to-Case
- Service report templates
- Social Business Rules
- SoftPhone Layout
- Solution Categories
- Solution Settings
- Standard fields that aren’t customizable, such as auto-number fields or system fields
- Web Links on Person Account Page Layouts
- Web-to-Lead
These components will need to be manually created in the target Salesforce org.
Also, if you are taking backups of your metadata using any of the tools mentioned above, then you should also consider documenting the configuration settings of unsupported components so that they can manually be re-created if required.
Salesforce comes up with 3 product releases every year. The list of components mentioned above may get supported by Metadata API in new releases. To view the updated list of components that is NOT supported by Metadata API, please visit URL https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_meta.meta/api_meta/meta_unsupported_types.htm
Here’s a working link to the Unsupported Metadata Types
– https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_meta.meta/api_meta/meta_unsupported_types.htm
I want to get the list of outbound change set at custom visualforce page, is there anyway to achieve this? I had already tried with Metadata API but didn’t found any clue.