S-Controls -> Visualforce -> Lightning Components -> and now Lightning Web Components. Lightning Web Components (or LWC) is a new programming model introduced by Salesforce in Spring ’19 release to align itself with the web components standards by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). It leverages the web standards breakthroughs of the last five years. Now you can combine your Salesforce knowledge with HTML, CSS and Javascript skills to develop stunning apps.
LWC is the future of development in Salesforce. Sooner or later companies will need to move their existing code in Salesforce to LWC and will start looking for professionals having LWC skills. If you want to get the first mover advantage and stay ahead of the competition for better opportunities, this will be a good time to master the skill.
So where do you get to learn about Lightning Web Components? Probably Trailhead & YouTube. But what about the rest? In this blog post I have made an attempt to compile all the current learning resources available online. This includes links to Trailhead modules & projects, Blogs, TrailheaDX sessions, webinars, GitHub, online courses etc. I have also divided these resources into crawl -> walk -> run -> fly sections to help you follow in a logical order.
This guide will serve as a one stop shop for all the useful resources that you can find to learn about Lighitng Web Components and I do hope that it will serve you well.
(Note: The following preview is through Slideshare, which does not allow the links to be clickable on the first 3 pages. You can either download the PDF copy of this guide or try out the links from 4th page onward)
Please do not forget to leave a comment or share your feedback. If you find any other resource on LWC which is useful and is not included in this guide, do let me know. Also, if you think something wasn’t useful, mention that as well
Hi Ashish,
Please check out this Youtube playlist “Salesforce Lightning Web Component Tutorial”
Thanks Rohit.
very good material for LWC . Good Work on compiling the resources.
Thanks Kavitha 🙂
Hi Ashish,
Please check out this Youtube playlist “LWC for Absolute Beginners”
Thanks for the information Vignaesh