How to Measure the Performance of Salesforce Org

You can measure the performance of your Salesforce Org in Experience Page Time or EPT in short. EPT measures how long it takes for a page to load into a state that a user can meaningfully interact with. 

Measure the Performance of Salesforce

EPT can be measured in 4 ways

  1. Add an EPT Counter to the header of your App
  2. Use the Lightning Usage App to view page and browser performance
  3. Build a custom report using Lightning Usage App objects
  4. Use the Event Monitoring Analytics App to monitor performance with event types

Further, EPT Counter in Salesforce can be added

  1. By enabling Lightning Components debug mode in setup
  2. By appending a string to your app or page url

In this blog post, we will look at how to enable it by appending a string to the URL

So, to add the counter, navigate to any record or app page in Salesforce 

navigate to any app or record page

Append ?eptVisible=1 to the URL -> Hit ‘Enter’

add string ?eptVisible=1 to url

Notice EPT Counter is visible besides favorites icon

ept counter is visible

Now navigate to different pages and check how much time the page takes to load. Note the times so that you can compare the difference after you have worked on improving the performance.

Here are some Dos and Don’ts when using EPT Counter in Salesforce. If you follow these then there are chances that you will get an accurate time in EPT counter.  

  • Disable Lightning Components Debug Mode
  • Load the page 4-5 times and take the average time
  • Close the current page or tab and navigate to same from different page or tab 
  • Test in different browsers
  • Test in incognito and guest windows also
  • Test across machines with same hardware and software configurations
  • Clear the cache and measure load time
  • Reload the page manually
  • Hard reload the web page 
  • Open the page in a new tab 

Once you are done working with the counter, don’t forget to remove it from the UI. It’s as facile as adding it. Just append url with ?eptVisible=0

remove ept counter

Voila! The counter is disappeared. 

ept counter removed

Use EPT counter in Salesforce diligently to measure your app’s and pages performance in Lightning Experience and make necessary improvements from time to time.

References & Useful URLs

4 thoughts on “How to Measure the Performance of Salesforce Org”

    1. Not sure if I have understood your question correctly, Approva, but the steps to create report in Sandbox org are same as Production.

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