#1MinuteTip #SalesforceSummer21 Now you can create custom reports based on the Email Messages primary object and learn more with email reporting – like which rep sends the most effective emails, and what percentage of emails are inbound vs. outbound etc.
References & Useful URLs
- Salesforce Summer ’21 Release Notes – https://sforce.co/3efWCwY
It seems to only report on emails sent directly from the contact, and not via mass email like List view, WFR or Flow. Do you know if this is correct? We send most of our emails via mass emails or WFR, so this report type would be close to useless for us then..
Hi Merthe, that is correct. Unfortunately, emails sent from WFR, Process Builder and/or Flows are currently not stored in Salesforce.
So one of the things that I have setup in my Salesforce instance is the “Compliance BCC Email” in Setup. Every email that goes out of my Salesforce Org (including the ones from WFR, Process Builder, Flows etc.), I send a bcc to one dedicated email address. That way I have a log of all the emails sent out from my Org. This is not an alternate to reports, but just thought of letting you know.
Hi! Thanks for replying
I can add the custom report type, but it comes empty (without filters)
I believe this is related to your statement regarding EAC
I wonder how to accomplish the same using EAC.
I guess it comes empty because email messages surfacing through EAC are not stored in the same object. It gets stored differently, though I am not too clear on where and how.
We are using Einstein Activity Capture, and I cannot add the Email Messages report. May it be limited in some way?
That sounds right Jamie. Einstein Activity Capture works differently. Though what exactly do you mean when you are saying that “I cannot add the Email Messages report.” Are you not able to create the custom report type?