Now Available Salesforce CLI “sf” v2

#1MinuteTip The Salesforce CLI is one of the most important development tools in Salesforce ecosystem. The CLI is Salesforce Developers’ everyday companion for building, testing, deploying, and more. Salesforce announced the general availability of Salesforce CLI v2 in July 2023.

The main improvement that I liked in v2 is that the command syntax has now become simple and easy to use. For example, with sfdx, you needed to type the following to the list of all Salesforce orgs that you are connected to.

sfdx force:org:list

But now with v2, the syntax has become simple and more flexible. For example, you can type any of the following to get the list of the orgs. You do not necessarily need to type the command in the exact order.

sf org list
sf list org
Salesforce CLI v2
Image Source: Salesforce Developer Blog Post (link below)

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