#1MinuteTip Here is a new book on Salesforce titled “Ultimate Salesforce LWC Developers’ Handbook”. Build Dynamic Experiences, Custom User Interfaces, and Interact with Salesforce data using Lightning Web Components (LWC) for Salesforce Cloud
And here is the Table of Contents from this book.
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Creating Your First LWC
- Chapter 3: LWC in Detail
- Chapter 4: Using Salesforce Data
- Chapter 5: Events in LWC
- Chapter 6: LWC and Flows
- Chapter 7: Lightning Out
- Chapter 8: Salesforce Lightning Design System
- Chapter 9: LWC Security
- Chapter 10: LWC Debugging and Testing
References & Useful URLs
- Amazon URL – Ultimate Salesforce LWC Developers’ Handbook