#1MinuteTip Introduced in Salesforce Summer ’22 release here is a nice little tip to make your flows look a bit more interesting when calling Apex Invocable actions. When you add an Apex Invocable Action to your Flow, a default icon is displayed that looks like this.

But you do have the option to change this icon to something more interesting and relevant. Like the one shown below.

All you need to do for this is to add the ‘iconName’ as a property of the Invocable Method definition in Apex class.
@invocableMethod(label='Analyze Sentiment' description='Analyze sentiment of the text passed to the method' iconName='slds:<category>:<name>')
For example
@invocableMethod(label='Analyze Sentiment' description='Analyze sentiment of the text passed to the method' iconName='slds:standard:endorsement')

There are quite a few predefined icons available on Salesforce Lighting Design System that you can choose from (please refer to the links below). Or you can upload your own icon in SVG format.
References & Useful URLs
- Salesforce Summer ’22 Release Notes – Add Custom Icons to Apex-Defined Invocable Actions
- Salesforce Help Article – Add a Custom Icon to an Apex-Defined Action
- Salesforce Lightning Design System – Icons