Did you know that the Add or Edit products screen on Opportunity and Quote has a name? If yes then that’s great, but did you also know that it can be customized? Yes, you heard it right! That screen is called as Product Multi-Line Layout and you can customize the columns that display when you click ‘Edit All’ in the Products related list on Opportunity and Quote.
Customize Multi-Line Layout for Opportunity Product
Login to your Salesforce org -> Navigate to ‘Object Manager’ in setup -> Type ‘Opportunity’ in quick find box -> Click ‘Opportunity Product’

Click ‘Page Layouts’

Click the ‘Opportunity Product Layout’

Click ‘Edit Multi-Line Layout’

Click a field under ‘Available Fields’ -> Click ‘Add’ to move it to ‘Selected Fields’ -> Click ‘Save’ Note: Product Multi-Line Layout does not support formula fields. If there is a formula field added under ‘Selected Fields’ then it will be skipped and the next field will be shown in the front UI.

Click ‘Save’

Navigate to an Opportunity record -> Click ‘Edit Products’ in Products related list

Voila! ‘List Price’ field that we selected is added in the Product Multi-Line Layout. That was a piece of cake!

Customize Multi-Line Layout for Quote Line Item
Navigate to Quote Line Item page layout -> Click ‘Edit Multi-Line Layout’ by following the same steps like earlier. Move the field that you wish to add under ‘Selected Fields’. Click ‘Save’.

Navigate to Quote Line Item Edit Products page and verify that the field has been added. C’est très bien!

This way you can customize the Product Multi-Line Layout to show your users key details when adding or editing products to Opportunity and Quote.
References & Useful URLs
- Edit Multi-Line Layouts for Opportunity Products – Help Article (5 mins) – https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=layouts_opp_product_multiline.htm
Hi Amit,
Any solution to the question above?
I try to do the same …. and like you, same error: the field is locked!
Thank you in advance!
I am looking for a solution like this too! We need either Long Text or Rich Text in the multi-line edit window.
Thanks for the information, it is Very helpful!
I have a question about this issue it will be great if you know how to help
I want to add to the Add products/ edit Products a rich text field, but after adding it- the field is locked.
Do you know if this supprort this field? and if not if you have a suggestion how to add multi product to opportunity with an option of using rich text
Thanks very much!