#1MinuteTip Did you know that you can enable cascade delete on lookup relationships in Salesforce? This powerful (but risky) feature automatically deletes child records when their parent record is deleted, mimicking the behavior of master-detail relationships.
To enable this setting
1. Log a case with Salesforce using the following template.
Subject: Enable ‘cascade delete on custom lookup relationships’ feature
Description: Please Enable ‘cascade delete on custom lookup relationships’ feature as per knowledge article https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=000382017&type=1
2. Once the case is logged, Salesforce will guide you through a couple of confirmation questions. Upon confirmation, you’ll see the cascade delete option available on the custom lookup fields, as shown below.

WARNING: It’s important to note that cascade delete bypasses any security and sharing settings. This means that when a user deletes the parent record, the associated child records will be deleted, even if the user doesn’t have access to them. For more detailed information, refer to the Salesforce help article links provided below.
References & Useful URLs
- Salesforce help article – Enable ‘cascade delete on custom lookup relationships’ feature
- Salesforce help article – Cascade Delete does not work on Custom Lookup Fields
here in cascade delete, dose Salesforce gives the guarantee of the deletion sequence from child to parent object always?
I’m not sure if I fully understood your question, Swapnil. If you’re asking whether Salesforce will delete the child records before the parent records, then yes, that is the sequence of deletion.