#1MinuteTip Here is a playlist on Event Driven Architecture Patterns on Salesforce Architect YouTube Channel. This playlist contains a set of 6 videos with the playtime of less than 2 minutes per video. This covers:
- Publish / Subscribe Pattern: is an event-driven architecture pattern where systems exchange messages via one or more channels in an event bus.
- Fanout Pattern: is an event-driven architecture pattern where a publisher can send messages to multiple subscribers through a single message queue. Common use cases include group messaging or push notifications.
- Claim Check Pattern: is an event-driven architecture pattern where subscribers receive message headers containing pointers to their associated message bodies in a separate data store.
- Passed Messages Pattern: is an event-driven architecture pattern that handles complex data transformations by segmenting out the message handling logic within the event bus. Useful for scenarios where there are a lot of messages with complex transformation requirements.
- Streaming Pattern: is an event-driven architecture pattern where publishers continually publish a series of events and subscribers process them in the order they were received. Common examples of this pattern includes streaming audio/video.
- Queueing Pattern: is an event-driven architecture pattern where publishers send messages to queues, which hold them in first-in, first-out order until subscribers retrieve them. Useful for scenarios where subscribers are not always available when the events are being published.
References & Useful URLs
- Salesforce Architect YouTube Playlist – Event-Driven Architecture Patterns