Salesforce Services Details

Salesforce Advisory & Consulting Services

Advisory & Consulting

Whether you’re implementing Salesforce for the first time or seeking enhancements, it’s vital to ensure the solution aligns with your business needs. Following Salesforce’s well-architected framework, the solution needs to be trusted, easy & adaptable. 

You may be implementing Salesforce in-house or through a partner. Have you considered Salesforce Governor limits? Have you considered data growth & archiving? Have you considered all the different features that Salesforce offers and selected the most optimal option? Have you explored the 3rd Party products from AppExchange, or are you going to write custom codes? Will there be any technical debt?

It will be a good idea to get a fresh perspective on the solution, consider the alternatives and cover your blind spots. I can help you design the solution from scratch or review it. This can include any or all of the following:

  • Technical & Solution Architecture: comprehensive analysis, design, review, and documentation of the end-to-end solution on Salesforce’s core CRM platform.
  • Org Strategy: evaluate the pros and cons of single org vs. multi org for your business and recommend the right approach.
  • Data Architecture & Design: covering data modeling & database design, handling large data volumes, data archiving & purging strategy, data migration strategy and plan.
  • Security Architecture & Design: covering OWDs, record sharing rules, Salesforce Shield, Transaction Security Policy, multi-factor authentication, Salesforce Mobile App, files security and other Salesforce declarative and programmatic security features.
  • Identity & Access Management Architecture & Design: covering Single Sign On (SSO) using SAML, Delegated Authentication or OAuth, Just In Time Provisioning (JIT), 3rd Party Identity Providers (IdPs) or using Salesforce as IdP, Multi-Factor Authentication, OAuth Solution, Connected Apps and more.
  • Integration Architecture & Design: covering recommending optimal integration patterns & tools (e.g. Salesforce APIs, Apex, Platform Events, Streaming API, Change Data Capture, Outbound Messaging, Canvas Apps etc.), use of a middleware, identify trade-offs, limitations and constraints. This also covers ensuring a robust integration security framework and staying within the boundaries of Salesforce governor limits.
  • Development Lifecycle & Deployment: outline governance frameworks, design standards, DevOps model, source control strategies, and more. I’ll guide you through environment management, sandbox strategies, and testing protocols.

Choose to work with an experienced eye. To schedule an initial complimentary discussion, please click here.

Generative AI Implementation Services

Salesforce Generative AI Services

In the fast-paced world of business, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies like Generative AI can provide significant competitive advantages. To help you harness the full potential of Salesforce’s Einstein Copilot and Prompt Builder, I offer specialized services designed to integrate these powerful tools into your business strategy seamlessly.

Why Opt for Generative AI Services?

  • Innovative Solutions: Implement state-of-the-art AI capabilities to automate processes, enhance customer experiences, and drive innovation within your organization.
  • Expert Guidance: With my extensive experience in Salesforce and Generative AI, you’ll receive tailored advice and strategies to maximize the benefits of Einstein Copilot and Prompt Builder.
  • Custom Implementation: Whether you need help with initial setup, advanced configurations, or specific use cases, I provide customized solutions to meet your unique business needs.
  • Continuous Improvement: Stay ahead with ongoing support and optimization to ensure your AI solutions evolve with your business and technology advancements.
  • Training & Empowerment: Equip your team with the knowledge and skills to effectively use and manage Generative AI tools, fostering a culture of innovation and efficiency.

Whether you’re looking to automate routine tasks, enhance decision-making with AI-driven insights, or create personalized customer interactions, I’m here to help you navigate the complexities of Generative AI and integrate it seamlessly into your Salesforce environment.

Click here to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation and discover how Generative AI with Einstein Copilot & Prompt Builder can transform your business.

Salesforce Training & Workshop Services

Training & Workshops

Empower your team with expert Salesforce training. Whether you’re looking to educate architects, admins,  consultants, or end users, I bring years of experience in crafting step-by-step guides, tailored training programs, and engaging workshops.

What I Offer:

  • Standard Salesforce Training: Covering essential features and functionalities, including topics like Integration, Single Sign-On, and DevOps.
  • Customized Workshops: Designed specifically around your unique Salesforce implementation, ensuring your team understands its features and functionalities inside out.
  • Rich, Engaging & Flexible: Whether you prefer live face-to-face, online sessions or pre-recorded content, I can accommodate. The training and workshop contents can include live demos, video recordings, engaging presentations with animations, step-by-step PDF guides with screenshots, interactive whiteboarding, hands-on exercises, quizzes and more.

Transforming complex topics into clear, digestible, and easy-to-understand content is my forte.

To schedule a complimentary discussion on your training and workshop requirements please click here.

Short Term / Ad-hoc Consultation

Salesforce Short Term / Ad Hoc Consultancy Services

While in-depth projects have their merits, sometimes all you need is a quick consultation to address immediate concerns or gain insights into specific areas. Recognizing this, I offer short-term and ad-hoc consultation services tailored to your needs.

Why Opt for Ad-hoc Consultation?

  • Quick Solutions: Address immediate challenges or queries without the commitment of a long-term engagement.
  • Expert Insight: Benefit from my extensive experience in Salesforce, whether it’s for a brief overview or a deep dive into specific functionalities.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Catering to urgent needs, I can be available at short notice, ensuring you get the guidance when you need it most.
  • Cost-Effective: Ideal for businesses that require expert advice on a budget, without the overheads of extended contracts.

Whether you have a pressing issue, need clarity on a particular Salesforce feature, or simply require an expert’s perspective on a decision, I’m here to assist. My ad-hoc consultation covers all the areas mentioned in the previous sections, ensuring you always get comprehensive and informed advice.

Click here to arrange a free, no-obligation chat about your short-term/ad hoc needs.

Salesforce Org Assessment Services

Salesforce Org Assessment

The longer you utilize Salesforce, the more essential it becomes to ensure its health and integrity. Regular assessments of your Salesforce org are crucial, not just for its current performance but also to ensure it remains robust and efficient in the future.

Why Consider an Org Assessment?

  • Security: Ensure your data and processes remain protected from potential threats.
  • Performance: Regular checks can identify inefficiencies, ensuring your Salesforce org continues to operate smoothly.
  • Best Practices: An assessment ensures that your org remains aligned with industry standards and best practices.
  • Technical Debt: Over time, systems can accrue technical debt. It’s vital to identify and rectify this to avoid potential complications.
  • Future-Proofing: Much like the foundation of a house, your Salesforce org must remain sturdy. A crumbling foundation poses risks, and the same goes for your Salesforce environment.

With my expertise, I offer a comprehensive Salesforce Org assessment, evaluating all the above parameters. Post-assessment, you’ll receive a detailed report highlighting areas of strength, potential concerns, and actionable recommendations. My experience as a Sr. Program Architect with Salesforce Singapore has equipped me to deliver assessments that are both thorough and tailored to your specific needs.

To schedule a no-obligation complimentary discussion on org assessment, please click here.

Proof of Concept / Prototyping

Salesforce Proof of Concept / Prototyping Services

Innovation blossoms through exploration. Whether bursting with novel ideas or navigating complex challenges, delving into proof of concept or prototyping offers a tangible way to gauge possibilities.

Why Engage in PoC/Prototyping?

  • Test New Ideas: Have an unconventional idea? Let’s lay it out, test its feasibility, and see it in action.
  • Solution Exploration: For multifaceted problems, prototyping offers a chance to explore various solutions and select the most effective one.
  • Knowledge & Bandwidth: If you’re venturing into unfamiliar territory or are constrained by resources, I’m here to bridge the gap with expertise and dedicated time.
  • Stretching Boundaries: Pushing technological limits and discovering new frontiers is what I thrive on. If you’re aiming to do the same, you’ve found the right partner.

Let’s collaborate and bring your ideas to life. Whether it’s research & development, sketching out multiple options, or setting up a tangible proof of concept, I’m here to assist. Share your thoughts, and together, we’ll chart the course forward.

To schedule an initial no-obligation complimentary discussion on your wild ideas, please click here.

Salesforce Effort Estimation and Validation Services

Effort Estimation and Validation

Accurate effort estimation is the cornerstone of successful project implementation. Whether you’re a Solution Integrator formulating an implementation estimate or a customer with an in-house team, having a clear, realistic picture of the required effort is paramount.

Why Seek Estimation and Validation?

  • Informed Decision Making: A realistic estimate ensures that you’re well-prepared, both in terms of resources and timelines.
  • Risk Mitigation: By validating estimations, you can identify potential pitfalls or underestimations, thereby reducing project risks.
  • Budgeting Precision: Avoid unforeseen expenses by having a clear picture of the effort and associated costs right from the start.
  • Third-Party Perspective: An external expert review can offer fresh insights, ensuring that the estimation is comprehensive and devoid of biases.

Leverage my expertise to either draft a precise effort estimate for your Salesforce implementation or to review and validate an existing one. With a meticulous approach, I aim to provide clarity, confidence, and a roadmap for successful project execution.

To schedule a no-obligation complimentary discussion for a successful project execution, please click here.


In the intricate world of Salesforce implementation, documentation often becomes a linchpin for clarity and direction. While the agility of modern development practices might deprioritize extensive documentation, having a foundational set of documents remains pivotal. So much so that Salesforce has come up with its own framework called “Salesforce Diagramming Framework”.

Why is Documentation Essential?

  • Clarity & Direction: Comprehensive documentation provides a roadmap, ensuring that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of the system’s intricacies.
  • Operational Efficiency: Knowing the system landscape, data model, customizations, and module usage aids in efficient operations and troubleshooting.
  • Integration Insights: Gain a clear picture of how your Salesforce system interacts and integrates with other platforms and systems.
  • Security Assurance: Detailed documentation ensures that your security architecture is both transparent and robust, eliminating ambiguities and meet compliance requirements.
  • Identity & Access Management: Understand the ins and outs of your IAM solutions, ensuring that access controls are both efficient and secure.

While I’ve encountered the challenges posed by inadequate documentation firsthand during my tenure as a technical/program architect, I also recognize the immense value of well-structured documentation. Whether it’s crafting a high-level solution design, an architectural blueprint, or detailing security protocols, I’m here to assist. All my documentation will follow Salesforce Diagramming Framework.

If your Salesforce Implementation currently lacks a foundational set of documents, or if you’re seeking to refine existing ones, let’s discuss how I can bring clarity and organization to your documentation needs.

Building the right team is crucial for the success of any Salesforce project. If you’re in the process of hiring Salesforce professionals but feel constrained by time or lack the specific expertise to evaluate candidates effectively, I’m here to assist.

Why Seek Interview Assistance?

  • Expert Evaluation: With my extensive experience in Salesforce, I can meticulously assess candidates’ skills, ensuring they align with your requirements.
  • Save Time: Streamline your hiring process by letting an expert handle the technical evaluations, allowing you to focus on other vital aspects of your business.
  • Broad Range: While my expertise encompasses various Salesforce roles, I specialize in interviewing Salesforce Architects, Consultants, and Administrators.

Recruiting the right talent can significantly impact the success and efficiency of your Salesforce initiatives. Let me assist you in ensuring that every new hire is a valuable addition to your team.

To schedule a no-obligation complimentary discussion on your hiring requirements, please click here.

Having expert advice at your fingertips can be a game-changer, especially when navigating the complexities of Salesforce. If you’re seeking the insights of a Salesforce architect without the commitment of a full-time position, my retainer services are tailored for you.

Benefits of a Retainer Service:

  • On-Demand Expertise: Access specialized knowledge whenever you need it, ensuring you’re always making informed decisions.
  • Trusted Advisor: As your go-to Salesforce expert, I’ll be on hand to provide guidance, vet architectural choices, and assist with design decisions.
  • Cost-Effective: Get the benefits of expert advice without the overheads of a full-time hire, ensuring you maximize your ROI.
  • Guardrails for Implementation: With my assistance, you can set clear boundaries and best practices for your Salesforce projects, mitigating potential pitfalls.
  • Avoid Technical Missteps: With a seasoned architect by your side, you can sidestep costly technical errors, ensuring your Salesforce endeavors are both efficient and effective.

With my retainer services, you’ll have the assurance of expert guidance every step of the way, helping you leverage Salesforce to its fullest potential.

Let’s start by scheduling a no-obligation complimentary discussion and we will go from there.

Every Salesforce journey is unique, and you might have specific requirements or challenges that haven’t been addressed in the sections above. Whether it’s a niche requirement, a novel challenge, or simply a desire for specialized consultation, I’m here to listen and assist.

How to Proceed:

  • Schedule a Call: Let’s have a conversation. Share your specific needs, concerns, or objectives related to Salesforce.
  • Tailored Guidance: After understanding your requirements, I’ll advise on the best course of action and whether I can assist in fulfilling those needs.
  • Flexible Approach: My goal is to ensure that your Salesforce initiatives are successful. If your needs fall outside my expertise, I’ll provide guidance on the next steps or potential alternatives.

No matter the challenge or query, I’m here to help. Let’s discuss your unique Salesforce requirements and chart the way forward together.

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