#1MinuteTip #SalesforceSummer24 Now users can apply their own labels to records to help them organize, track, and find the records they need quickly and easily. Add labels to records related to a region, project, campaign, or anything else that helps keep work organized.
Personal labels added to records are separate from Topics, which other users can see. Personal Labels are also separate from labels added to To Do List items.
Labels can be assigned to specific standard objects and all custom objects. Each user can create up to 20 labels per object and a total of up to 200 labels. Users can assign each label to up to 500 records.
Product Area: Platform

Users can view all their record labels by navigating to ‘Labels’ from App Launcher

On a label’s record page, view the list of records with the label assigned.

To allow users to assign labels to records, ensure that the user has CRUD permission on ‘Labels’ object through permission set.

Add the ‘My Labels’ component to the Lightning Record Page of desired objects.

References & Useful URLs
- For Related Summer ’24 Release Note Article – Click Here
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